We are actively investigating the impact of the log4j2 library vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) disclosed on December 9 2021, as some of the components of our products contain this common logging library. WebGIS is based on GeoServer which includes log4j as a dependency. The version of log4j installed at customer sites and within our hosted cloud environment […]
archive for [GGP] David
Log4j2 Vulnerability – CVE-2021-44228
By [GGP] David
Posted in News, Press Releases, Uncategorized on December 14th 2021 11:44
GGP Systems COVID-19 Response
By [GGP] David
Posted in News, Press Releases on March 16th 2020 14:43
We, like many other businesses, have been closely monitoring the developing situation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and following the advice issued by the UK Government. As part of our ongoing contingency planning arrangements, the whole company successfully trialled home working last Friday. Following on from this, the management have made the decision for the whole company to […]